In music theory, an augmented sixth chord contains the interval of an augmented sixth above its "root" or bass tone (see below). This chord has its origins in the Renaissance,[1] further developed in the Baroque, and became a distinctive part of the musical style of the Classical and Romantic periods.[2]
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The augmented sixth interval is typically between the sixth degree of the minor scale (henceforth ♭6) and the raised fourth degree (henceforth ♯4). With standard voice leading, the chord is followed directly or indirectly by some form of the dominant chord, in which both ♭6 and ♯4 have resolved to the fifth scale degree (henceforth 5). This tendency to resolve outwards to 5 is why the interval is spelled as an augmented sixth, rather than enharmonically as a minor seventh (♭6 and ♭5). Although augmented sixth chords are more common in the minor mode, they are also used in the major mode by borrowing ♭6 of the parallel minor scale.[3]
In music theory, the double-diminished triad is an archaic concept and term referring to a triad, or three note chord, which, already being minor, has its root raised a semitone, making it doubly diminished. However, this may be used as the derivation of the augmented sixth chord.[4]
For example, F-A♭-C is a minor triad. F♯-A♭-C is a doubly diminished triad. Note that it is enharmonically equivalent to G♭-A♭-C (incomplete dominant seventh, missing E♭). A♭-C-F♯ is an Italian augmented sixth chord.
From the Baroque to the Romantic period, augmented sixth chords have had the same harmonic function: as a chromatically altered predominant chord (typically, an alteration of ii, IV, vi7 or their parallel equivalents in the minor mode) leading to a dominant chord. This movement to the dominant is heightened by the semitonal resolution of both ♭6 to 5 and ♯4 to 5; essentially, these two notes act as leading-tones. This characteristic has led many analysts to compare the voice leading of augmented sixth chords to the secondary dominant V of V because of the presence of ♯4, the leading-tone of V, in both chords. In the major mode, the chromatic voice leading is more pronounced because of the presence of two chromatically altered notes, ♭6, as well as ♯4, rather than just ♯4 in the minor mode.
During the Romantic period, the augmented sixth harmony increased in ambiguity as composers explored other functional possibilities outside of its role as a predominant. See #Extended functions.
There are several variants of the augmented sixth chord. Though each is named after a European nationality, theorists disagree on their precise origins and have struggled for centuries to define their roots, and fit them into conventional harmonic theory.[3][5][6]
The Italian sixth (It or It) is derived from iv with an altered fourth scale degree, ♯4: ♭6—1—♯4; A♭—C—F♯ in C major. This is the only augmented sixth chord comprising just three distinct notes; in four-part writing, the tonic pitch is doubled.
The French sixth (Fr or Fr) is similar to the Italian, but with an additional tone, 2: ♭6—1—2—♯4; A♭—C—D—F♯ in C major. The notes of the French sixth chord are all contained within the same whole tone scale, lending a sonority common to French music in the 19th century (especially associated with Impressionist music).[7]
The German sixth (Gr or Ger) is also like the Italian, but with an added tone ♭3: ♭6—1—♭3—♯4; A♭—C—E♭—F♯ in C major. In Classical music, however, it appears in much the same places as the other variants, though perhaps less used because of the contrapuntal difficulties outlined below. It appears frequently in the works of Beethoven. The German sixth chord contains the same notes as a dominant seventh chord, though it functions differently.
It is more difficult to avoid parallel fifths when resolving a German sixth chord to the dominant, V. These parallel fifths, referred to as Mozart fifths, were occasionally accepted by common practice composers. There are two ways they can be avoided:
Other variants of augmented sixth chords are sometimes found in the repertoire, and are sometimes given whimsical geographical names. For example: 4—♭6—7—♯2; (F—A♭—B—D♯) is called by one source an Australian sixth.[9] Such anomalies usually have alternative interpretations.
Augmented sixth chords are occasionally used with a different chord member in the bass. Since there is no consensus among theorists that they are in root position in their normal form, the word "inversion" isn't necessarily accurate, but is found in some textbooks, nonetheless. Sometimes, "inverted" augmented sixth chords occur as a product of voice leading.
The French philosopher composer, Jean-Jacques Rousseau considered that the chord could not be inverted (Dictionnaire de Musique). Seventeenth-century instances of the augmented sixth with the sharp note in the bass are generally limited to German sources.[10]
Simon Sechter, in 'Die Grundsätze der musicalischen Komposition', explains the chord of the French Sixth A♭—C—D—F♯ in the key of C as being a chromatically altered version of a seventh chord on the second degree of the scale, and therefore gives the root as 'D'. The German Sixth A♭—C—E♭—F♯ is explained as a chromatically altered ninth chord on the same root, but with the root omitted. (In Sechter's theory, the diminished seventh chord F♯—A—C—E♭ is invariably described in the same way, i.e. a ninth chord on D with the root omitted, hence its equivalence to the augmented sixth.)
The tendency of the interval of the augmented sixth to resolve outwards is therefore explained by the fact that the A♭, being a dissonant note, a diminished fifth above the root (D), and flatted, must fall, whilst the F♯ - being chromatically raised - must rise.
On the contrary, Tchaikovsky considers the augmented sixth chords, rather than being built on the minor sixth degree (A♭ in C), as being altered dominants.[11] In his Guide to the practical study of harmony considers the augmented sixth chords to be inversions of the diminished triad and of dominant and diminished seventh chords with the second degree chromatically lowered, and accordingly resolving into the tonic. He notes that, "some theorists insist upon [augmented sixth chord's] resolution not into the tonic but into the dominant triad, and regard them as being erected not on the altered 2-nd degree, but on the altered 6-th degree in major and on the natural 6-th degree in minor", yet calls this view, "fallacious", insisting that a, "chord of the augmented sixth on the 6-th degree is nothing else than a modulatory degression into the key of the dominant".[12] This would make the chord of the augmented sixth a member of a large group of chords with an altered second degree (which includes the Neapolitan chord). For an exhaustive discussion of the possibility of augmented sixth chords resolving to tonic (or other scale degrees), see Daniel Harrison's article, "A Supplement to the Theory of Augmented-Sixth Chords."
In the late Romantic period and other musical genres, especially jazz, other harmonic possibilities of augmented sixth variants and sonorities outside its function as a predominant were explored, exploiting their particular properties. An example of this is through the "reinterpretation" of the harmonic function of a chord: Since a chord could simultaneously have more than one enharmonic spelling with different functions (i.e., both predominant as a German sixth and dominant as a dominant seventh), its function could be reinterpreted mid-phrase. This heightens both chromaticism by making possible the tonicization of remote keys, and possible dissonances with the juxtaposition of remotely related keys.
The French sixth has two characteristics in common with the diminished seventh chord:
As with the diminished seventh chord, the latter property allows the chord to be used in modulating to very remote keys. For instance: ♭6—1—2—♯4; (A♭—C—D—F♯ in C), could be interpreted identically in F♯ if reordered and respelled as D—F♯—G♯—B♯, i.e., the French sixth of the ♯IV key area, displaced an interval of a tritone relative to the tonic key, I.
All variants of augmented sixth chords are closely related to the applied dominant V7 of ♭II; both Italian and German variants are enharmonically identical to dominant seventh chords. For example, in the key of C (I), the German sixth chord, A♭—C—E♭—F♯, could be reinterpreted as A♭—C—E♭—G♭, the applied dominant of D♭ (V/D♭).
Classical harmonic theory would notate the "tritone substitute" as an augmented sixth chord on ♭2. The Augmented sixth chord can either be the It+6 enharmonic to a dominant 7th chord without the 5th, Gr+6, enharmonically equivalent to a dominant 7th chord with the 5th, or Fr+6 enharmonically equivalent to the Lydian dominant without the 5th, all of which serve in a classical context as a substitute for the secondary dominant of V.[15][16]
Below is the original dominant-tonic progression, that progression with the tritone substitution, and the same progression with the substitution notated as an Italian augmented sixth chord:
In jazz, the French sixth sonority functions as a dominant instead of a predominant chord; exploiting the enharmonically equivalent property of the French sixth is a common technique is referred to as tritone substitution.
The French sixth sonority, for example A♭—C—D—F♯ in the key of C, is interpreted as a specific variation of a dominant seventh chord in the following keys:
This chord is called the Lydian dominant (A♭7♯11—D7♯11), see jazz chord.
These functions could also be spelled as a dominant seventh with a flatted fifth:
and could be notated A♭7♭5 and D7♭5. This spelling does not suggest the Lydian-dominant mode, but it does suggest a dominant function. Also, C—E and F♯—A♭ are inverted augmented sixths (diminished thirds), where C—D and F♯—G♯ are inverted minor sevenths (major seconds).
The augmented sixth chord may be built on notes other than ♭6. Often, this is the result of a temporary tonicization, and the resulting augmented sixth chord is borrowed from the key of the secondary dominant which follows it. However, there are examples in the literature of these chords appearing without such a context. Schubert used it in some of his last compositions in dramatic final cadences.